Documents required

For everyone

  • Bank details
  • The log book for the vehicle entering the Market
  • Both sides of the manager’s ID document *

* If the buyer is not the manager: a  legal power and the ID document (front / back) of the buyer will be asked.

 You will also need to submit the following documents corresponding to your status:

  • For companies
    – An extract from the trade and companies register dated within the past 3 months.

  • For tradespeople
    – An extract from the Répertoire du Registre des Métiers dated within the past 3 months.

  • For associations
    – A SIRENE (INSEE) Situation Statement dated within the past 3 months.
    – An application on headed paper.

  • For independent professionals
    – A SIRENE (INSEE) Situation Statement dated within the past 3 months.
    – Your latest social security contribution statement (RSI or URSSAF).

  • For the self-employed
    – A SIRENE (INSEE) Situation Statement dated within the past 3 months.
    – Proof of self-employment (e.g. declaration of commencement of self-employment or latest RSI declaration).

  • For administrations and works councils
    An application on headed paper.
If you do not have an APE primary activity code (NAF code) or your company’s head office is not located in France, please e-mail the Rungis Acheteurs reception desk for a list of the supporting documentary evidence you will need to provide: